
Time just smacked me up the side of my head..........

1989 the year we got married, the following year we bought our house, and the year after that we had our first kid, and three more after that in 1994, 2000, and 2005. That is 32 years, and within those years, we have watched 3 highschool graduations, 3 kids leave for college, a wedding, a pandemic, lots of bumps and bruises, a million and one sporting events and still going, 2 million band concerts and marching festivals, also still going, dances, PTA meetings, drivers test, birthday parties, sleepovers, family lake weekends, camping, last minute road trips, amazing holiday celebrations, snow days, swimming parties, I could go on and on and I would do anything to do it all over again! I DO NOT want to do it all over again because I have regrets,That is the opposite of why, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED every single moment of it, the good and the bad. YES! there were some really bad moments, but those moments defined who I am now and taught me to accept who each of my kids are as individuals. ...

Staying in my lane

I love this picture of my boys. It is a metaphor for my post today. As I am sure many of you, like me, have struggled through this unusual time during the pandemic, I have found myself very unmotivated, yet looking for an excuse to really make a difference. Really make a change. I have always wanted to start a business, I have many creative outlets, all of which I have considered taking out into the public, but have struggled all of my life with self esteem, confidence, whatever else that I can put a label too, you name it, I have used it as an excuse to keep from failing. That is my biggest fear, failure, disappointment. The other part of the equation is not being able to narrow down exactly what it is I want to market, because I have a passion for so many avenues of being creative. Another really big roadblock is my need to do everything perfect, and if it is not perfect, no one else is going to buy what I have to offer. With all that being said, I have realized staying in my lane,...

New Year/New Outlook

Happy New Year! I began this year celebrating with a very dear friend their wedding day and to top it off I had the privilege of planning and executing the entire day, and it was magical, the perfect way to start the New Year, doing what I love, and being creative. This year by far has been the most challenging year I have ever experienced in my life. I have witnessed moments I never in a million thought I would encounter, I have hit the bottom, and I survived. I am not perfect, but I have worked to get to where I am and to say I am proud of standing here still surviving, still holding my head up and still providing for and holding my family together is my absolute proudest accompolishment to date. I have never been one to really hold to a New Years resolution, but I do think about the year ahead and what I hope to do and make happen. I'm forever telling myself I am going to make this or that happen, I am going to lose this much or exercise that much. I am going to save this much...


This photo about sums up 2020! This morning I woke up and did the same thing I do every morning, I got my morning drink, showered, turned on my podcast and began the two hour routine I have begun to embrace since the pandemic. The title of the podcast was, "The Year In Good News" It was The Daily podcast, a New York Times daily podcast that does short daily news briefs, just enough to keep me informed, but not to much to make me worry or think to hard about the world news right now. Todays particular story was a special in which they interviewed people asking them what their good news was for 2020 and it got me to thinking, what about this year has been good for me and I honest to goodness struggled most of the day trying to put together a list of the highlights. This year for me has been the biggest shit show. I have struggled more, been disappointed more and wondered honestly how anything was going to get put back together. If I am being completely honest, which I promise...

Christmas Time

It is 12:30am and I am sitting down to make a grocery list for Christmas dinner. For Thanksgiving I cooked my 2nd ever Turkey, the first over 30 years ago that ended in complete disaster. This year since we were all being safe in our own bubble due to Covid, I was unexpectedly charged with the task of turkey making. I have avoided this every year for the past 31 years of marriage until 2020. I love to cook, I love to bake, but for some reason the idea of cleaning, stuffing and baking a turkey does not sit well with me and my plan was to create a menu free of poultry until my oldest son insisted we had to have said bird, it was tradition and must be done. So, began the task of learning how to cook the turkey. I started with a call to my mother who advised me the best she could about how to prepare and stuff the bird, mind you this information is coming from a woman who I shop for weekly and complains about the way I purchase chicken. I had to shop for her not long ago where she ask me ...

Here we go!

For more than a few years I have wanted to do a blog. I am not sure why today except that I have so much on my mind, so many things I would love to share, and full disclosure, I finally got time with my middle son to help me get started. I guess the best place to start is to introduce myself and share why and what I do. My name is Michele and I am the mom to 4 of the most perfect kids! At least perfect in my eyes, there have certainly been bumps in the road and I intend on sharing those bumbs as I become more comfortable with this platform. I have kept journals for years, nothing continous, just bits and pieces here and there. Things I don't want to forget, pictures I use as inspiration, moments to document for others to read when I am long gone. I think another reason I am so delayed in starting this platform is because I LOVE paper. Much to my families uproar of this practice, I still use a paper calendar, I still write notes and mail them to friends. I personally loathe reading ...