Time just smacked me up the side of my head..........
1989 the year we got married, the following year we bought our house, and the year after that we had our first kid, and three more after that in 1994, 2000, and 2005. That is 32 years, and within those years, we have watched 3 highschool graduations, 3 kids leave for college, a wedding, a pandemic, lots of bumps and bruises, a million and one sporting events and still going, 2 million band concerts and marching festivals, also still going, dances, PTA meetings, drivers test, birthday parties, sleepovers, family lake weekends, camping, last minute road trips, amazing holiday celebrations, snow days, swimming parties, I could go on and on and I would do anything to do it all over again! I DO NOT want to do it all over again because I have regrets,That is the opposite of why, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED every single moment of it, the good and the bad. YES! there were some really bad moments, but those moments defined who I am now and taught me to accept who each of my kids are as individuals. ...